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Thin Ice – An Ice Field Mask      1991

Step carefully, as if the world beneath our feet depended on grace.

Life is a scatterable veneer stretched thin
over a vulnerable planet.  Regard a face
mimicking the delicacy of frost patterns,
a visage of forbearance, a silent oracle of suspended breath.

Her presence admonished us to be care full, respect full, tenderly testing this fragile surface as we go, keen to signs of fracture, melting holes, glacial slips.  Warding off global disasters by stepping lightly, gently gliding as though upon    thin ice.


36”H x 17”W x 10”D

Materials:  Plaster gauze covered with rice paper, and then with fine twisted cotton thread laid down in a pattern mimicking frost crystals.  Panels of woven opalescent seed beads are stretched or suspended from bamboo sticks which have been wound with rayon braid. Rhinestone jewelry fragments and opalescent glass cabochons form the focal point on the forehead. Plaques of mosaic duck egg shells, interspersed with bits of mirror, backed with linen, form appendages. Finial knobs are of lavender quartz and crystal beads.  The mask is festooned with antique lace from Austria.  Interior of mask —  satin.

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